We’ve curated a list of documents which may be helpful to the school health official when determining infection control and immunization protocols.
Immunization Health Record Card used by WV Catholic Schools to print: Green Card
Immunization Schedules and Suggested Requirements
- Recommendations for exclusion from school
- A list of conditions for which students should be excluded from school activities
- WV Immunization Requirements for School Entry (New Students)
- WV Immunization Requirements for Pre-K
- WV Immunization Requirements for 7th and 12th Grade
- WV Immunization Requirements for Colleges/Universities
- WV Immunization Report for Transfer students
- Vaccine Acronyms and Abbreviations
- A comprehensive list of abbreviations and acronyms of immunizations administered to students and adults.
- Recommended Adult Vaccination Schedule
- West Virginia Office of Epidemiology and Prevention Services
- The most up-to-date official guidelines for official immunization requirements by age.
Sample Letters for Students
WV State Programs
Resources from the CDC
- “An Ounce of Prevention” Campaign Materials
- About the Pertussis Vaccine
- Pertussis Signs and Symptoms